Welcome to notblue(dot)red. Here I upload blogposts about fun topics and share my current research.

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About me
I am a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Systems Sciences at the University of Graz, where I study critical transitions in nature and society.
I am the vocalist in a heavy metal band named Tides of Sand. If you are interested, visit us on Facebook or check out some of our songs on YouTube.
What is regulation in systems science
In this blogpost, we will look at regulation through examples from various fields, moving from linear to nonlinear and ultimately to chaotic regulation. Along the way, we will see that even with an accurate model at hand, there are limits to what regulation can achieve.
Creating a stocks correlation network
Understanding the stock market can feel like navigating a maze of numbers and graphs. In this blogpost we try to visualize stock market information a bit differently, using stock networks built from correlation matrices.
Tonal variety versus tonal complexity
In this blogpost we compare different music systems to find out which offer the best balance between tonal variety (the number of possible melodies), and tonal complexity (the level of dissonance).
Difference between stability and resilience
In this blogpost, I want to give you a metaphor that will help you decide when to use the concept of stability and when to add resilience. Spoiler: it is not either or!
Onion slicing digression
Ever found yourself standing in the kitchen, staring at an onion like it is some sort of Rubik's cube? In this blogpost we are digressing deep into the world of onion slicing.
How to draw 6-point perspective
In this blogpost, we will learn how to understand and draw in a 6-point perspective. We begin with a drawing using a single vanishing point and iteratively add vanishing points until we have reached the 6-point perspective.
What goes around comes around
Viewing orbital trajectories from different planet perspectives. In this blogpost we visualize a simplified version of the solar system and their orbital trajectories as seen from different planets within the system.
Critical transitions in degree mixed networks
Reisinger D, Adam R, Kogler ML, Füllsack M, Jäger G. Critical transitions in degree mixed networks: A discovery of forbidden tipping regions in networked spin systems. PloS one. 2022 Nov 18;17(11):e0277347.
Early warning signals from the periphery
Füllsack M, Reisinger D, Kapeller M, Jäger G. Early warning signals from the periphery: A model suggestion for the study of critical transitions. Journal of Computational Social Science. 2021 Sep 15:1-21.
Predicting critical transitions in assortative spin-shifting networks
Füllsack M, Reisinger D, Adam R, Kapeller M, Jäger G. Predicting critical transitions in assortative spin-shifting networks. PloS one. 2023 Feb 16;18(2):e0275183.
Transition prediction in the Ising-model
Füllsack M, Reisinger D. Transition prediction in the Ising-model. Plos one. 2021 Nov 4;16(11):e0259177.
Can we replicate real human behaviour using artificial neural networks
Jäger G, Reisinger D. Can we replicate real human behaviour using artificial neural networks?. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. 2022 Dec 31;28(1):95-109.
Comparing equation-based and agent-based models
Reisinger D, Füllsack M. Comparing equation-based and agent-based data generation methods for early warning signal analysis. Systems. 2020 Dec 10;8(4):54.
Networked models of social influence
Reisinger D, Vogrin M, Wood G, Schmickl T, Jäger G. Networked models of social influence: Explaining left-right political landscapes in Europe through opinion dynamics and network structure. Social Simulation Conference. 2022. Italy, Milano.
Public acceptance of green mobility policies
Kogler LM, Thaller A, Reisinger D. Public acceptance of green mobility policies. Social Simulation Conference. 2022. Italy, Milano.
Exploring complex contagions on progressively sparse networks
Tschofenig F, Reisinger D. Exploring complex contagions on progressively sparse networks: A study of non-linear graph reduction. Scientific Computing Conference. 2023. Austria, Graz.
On the interplay of gullibility, plausibility and criticism
Reisinger D, Kogler LM, Jäger G. On the interplay of gullibility, plausibility, and criticism: A computational model of epistemic vigilance. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 2023.
How local network structure impacts critical transitions in networked spin systems
Reisinger D, Adam R, Tschofenig F, Füllsack M, Jäger G. Modular tipping points: How local network structure impacts critical transitions in networked spin systems. PloS one. 2023.
Stochastic modeling of cascade dynamics
Tschofenig F, Reisinger D, Jäger G, Kogler ML, Adam R, Füllsack M. Stochastic modeling of cascade dynamics: A unified approach for simple and complex contagions across homogeneous and heterogeneous threshold distributions on networks. Physical Review E. 2024.
Patterns of stability in complex contagions.
Reisinger D, Tschofenig F, Raven A, Kogler ML, Füllsack M, Veider F, Jäger G. Patterns of stability in complex contagions. Journal of Computational Social Science. 2024.
Daniel Reisinger
Institute of Environmental Systems Sciences Merangasse 18, 8010 Graz
Once upon a click, the name notblue(dot)red emerged from random thoughts. No deep philosophies, just a nod at my favorite color red.